Military Monday: Teaching Children Family History

During World War II, my Poppy, Harry Lincoln Sebastian was an Army Air Corpsman, which later became the Air Force.  He was stationed in South Carolina and later Denver, Colorado where he worked as a mechanic on airplanes.

Harry in front of one of the planes he repaired

Harry in front of one of the planes he repaired

Not only do I love history and family history especially, I love to teach my children history, especially when I can find interactive ways to do so.  Last May my Dad invited us along to the regional airport’s air show.  The kids loved all the planes but it was especially meaningful to see a B-25, one of the airplanes their Poppy worked on during World War II.

My children with a B-25 like those their great-grandfather repaired

My children with a B-25 like those their great-grandfather repaired

If you find you have an ancestor who was involved in a particular occupation, branch of the service, or battle, I encourage you to educate yourself on it and take the time to pass your heritage on to your children by visiting such places with them.  It really makes history come alive and become even more personally meaningful.